Telephone: 407.928.6666

Windermere Prep – Winter 2024/25

Winter Program 2024/25

(October 14th – January 12th 2025) 9-weeks

Online Registration 
10/14/24 – 1/12/24

Click “Online Registration”. Submission of application does not confirm placement for lessons. We will communicate with you soon to confirm spot.

Lesson Descriptions:


Group Lessons – Fundamentals taught through fun games and drills, incorporating basic strokes, footwork and hand-eye coordination. The Quick Start format will be used so children are using age appropriate equipment and smaller courts.

(Options for 1 or 2 days)
 Tiny Tots: PK3: $22.50 per session
  • Tuesdays (9 sessions) 12:30-1:00pm – SOLD OUT
  • Thursdays (9 sessions) 12:30-1:00pm – SOLD OUT
   PreK4 (during rest time): $22.50 per session
  • Tuesdays (9 sessions)  2:15-2:45pm – SOLD OUT 
  • Thursdays (9 sessions)  2:15-2:45pm – SOLD OUT
  Munchkins: PK4/K/1st$22.50 per session (Wednesdays)                                             
                                                               $27.50 per session (Saturdays)
  • Wednesdays (9 sessions)  2:15-3:00PM – SOLD OUT
  • Saturdays (9 sessions) 10:00-11:00AM – SOLD OUT

Academy Tennis Clubs This is a fun and social group for recreational players who want to learn or improve on the fundamentals of the game. The session will include fun games and drills. Age appropriate equipment and smaller courts will be used when necessary.

(Options for 1, 2 or 3 days)
Related image
Lower School (2nd – 5th): $27.50 per session  

  • Mondays (9 sessions)  –  3:45-4:45PM – SOLD OUT
  • Wednesdays (9 sessions) –  3:00-4:00PM – SOLD OUT
  • Saturdays (9 sessions)  –  11:00AM-12:00PM – SOLD OUT
Middle School (6th-8th): $27.50 per session  
  • Mondays (9 sessions)  – 3:45-4:45PM – SOLD OUT
  • Fridays (9 sessions) –  3:45-4:45PM – SOLD OUT
High School (9th-12th): $27.50 per session
  • Mondays (9 sessions)  – 3:45-4:45PM – SOLD OUT (Join the Waitlist through our registration)
  • Fridays (9 sessions) –  3:45-4:45PM – SOLD OUT (Join the Waitlist through our registration)

PE Tennis (WPS Students Only)

–   Students can choose tennis lessons in place of their regularly scheduled PE class.

(minimum of 2 students required to receive pricing – 1 student PE lessons will be considered private lessons)

PRICE: PK4-5th 9 sessions @ $25 per session (minimum of 2 players)

6th– 8th 9 sessions @ $27.50 per session (minimum of 2 players)

9th-12th 9 sessions @ $27.50 per session (minimum of 2 players)

(High schoolers can receive a 0.5 PE credit if they participate in a min. of 60 hrs. of tennis in 1 semester)

Private and Semi Private Lessons

Personalized to ability, previous experience and whether the primary aim is recreation or competition.

Private and Semi-private lessons (2 to 3 students) available for both adults and children. Slots available during the day including Saturdays and Sundays as well as before/after school. Lessons can be booked on a weekly basis subject to availability.

PRICE: Private: $85 per hour

Semi Private: $95 per hour

Sparring: $85 per hour

High School Intensive Morning Tennis (3-day commitment per week)

This session is 1 semester designed for players who wish to improve their tennis skills in a group setting.

Price: $105 per week

Mondays 7:45-9:00AM

Wednesdays 7:45-9:00AM

Thursdays 7:45-9:00AM

Adult Cardio Tennis (Intermediate – Advanced)

High energy, cardiovascular fitness activity that incorporates tennis, while delivering a full body workout.

Mondays 6:30-8:00PM (West Orange Country Club)

Wednesdays 6:30-8:00PM (West Orange Country Club)

Fridays 9:00-10:30AM (Windermere Prep)

Price:   $30 per session

Wednesday Adult Clinic (Beginner – Intermediate)

– Designed for adults of all levels. This is a great way to keep fit, meet other parents and learn a sport to last a lifetime.  Sessions will involve technique, movement and point play in a fun and social environment.

Wednesdays Adult Clinic:   Wednesdays 9:15-10:45am  

Price:  9 sessions – $371.25

Ladies Team Clinic

Price:   Teams will be paying as a group

WPS Dropshot Divas – Mondays 8.30-10:00am

WPS Ace of Lakes – Thursdays 9:00-10:30AM

*schedule and pricing subject to change